Friday, March 25, 2022

How To Calculate Area Of A Circle In Matlab

Under the traditional competition analysis of transportation methods, the impact of cargo differences on the competition of different transportation methods is often not considered. The sensitivity of the cargo owner to the price of the goods is positively correlated with the degree of difference of the goods themselves. Therefore, for the transportation company, it is necessary to formulate a competitive strategy that focuses on the differentiation of the goods. Based on this analysis, research on market competition strategies for CR Express and maritime transportation should conduct market segmentation research on the Chinese and European freight markets. Market segmentation was first proposed by Smith , and it has attracted the attention and research of a large number of experts, scholars, and practitioners. Duan et al. divided the market segment by the difference in the selection preference of railway freight customers based on the LC-HB model .

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Under the traditional competition analysis of transportation methods

With the aim of minimizing the total operating cost, Wang et al. constructed the optimization operational model of a railway transportation product operating based on the idea of product differentiation . Li aimed at railway bulk cargo transportation, conducted market segmentation based on market factors such as transportation distance and time, and constructed a product system for bulk cargo transportation. Zhang proposed a product development strategy based on a railway dynamic logistics alliance.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - The sensitivity of the cargo owner to the price of the goods is positively correlated with the degree of difference of the goods themselves

Shuai et al. used a BCG matrix to classify railway express freight products into dog products, cash-cow products, and star products, and put forward product marketing strategies. When the subsidy is removed, the price of CR Express trains rose, which led to a corresponding decline in market share for the trains. In the competition between CR Express and maritime transport for highly time-sensitive cargo transportation, the gap between the market share of China–Europe Express and maritime transport narrowed.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Therefore

At the same time, for China–Europe Express, whether there were subsidies or not, active competition strategies needed to be adopted to improve service levels. Therefore, this research revealed some market development thoughts for CR Express. Since the provided government subsidies gave CR Express a way to decrease its cost, using a service optimizing strategy was the best strategy for CR Express to increase its market share and achieve quick development.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Based on this analysis

In the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, China Railway Express achieved rapid development. Determining how to achieve effective marking and determining how to adopt the optimal competitive strategy are the main challenges for CR Express operators. By choosing long-distance transportation as the research object, this research established a competitive model between CR Express and maritime transportation based on game theory. First, we determined the participants of this competition.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Market segmentation was first proposed by Smith

For CR Express, it was always effective to adopt a service optimizing strategy to improve the service level and earn market share. For maritime transportation, this strategy was effective only for high-value and low-time-sensitiveness goods as well as low value and low-time-sensitiveness goods. As shown in Fig 5, as the evolutionary stable strategy combinations indicated, for CR Express, the service optimization strategy was the best strategy. Since both fruits and laptops were high-time-sensitiveness goods, CR Express maintained its higher competitive advantages, so its evolution trend was similar to the trend shown in Fig 3. The difference was that in the early stage of evolution, the selection probability of maritime transportation increased a little and then decreased and finally stabilized at zero when the selection probability of CR Express was low. In addition, for fruit transportation, compared to laptop transportation, the probability of choosing the service optimization strategy for maritime transportation declined more slowly.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Duan et al

This was because maritime transportation could satisfy the transportation demands with lower prices, so it was more attractive for low-value goods like fruits. Additionally, for high-time-sensitiveness goods like laptops, the goods value was much higher, so the acceptable price would be higher. That was the reason why the market share difference between CR Express and maritime transportation for the fruits transportation market was lower than that of the laptops transportation market share. In the long term, shipping would not adopt service optimization strategies and face competition in a negative way, while CR Express could obtain greater market share through improving service levels. In this study, according to the different characteristics of different freight, we used the theory of quantification III to implement the China-Europe market segmentation. As shown in Fig 4, as the evolutionary stable strategy combinations indicated, for both CR Express and maritime transportation, applying the service optimization strategy was the optimal strategy.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - With the aim of minimizing the total operating cost

This was because the higher freight rate was acceptable for high-value and low-time-sensitiveness goods based on the higher value of the goods. Therefore, even though maritime transportation provided an advantageous price, the difference between CR Express and shipping was acceptable. Therefore, in the future development of CR Express, the operator of CR Express must consider how to compete with maritime transportation, how to win market share and other issues. Both the government and the operator of CR Express need to take other the optimal strategy to achieve the sustainable development of CR Express.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Li aimed at railway bulk cargo transportation

The aim of this research is to provide operating thoughts for CR Express operators on what optimal competitive strategies there are for the operators to earn market share and achieve sustainable development. Common goods were divided into four types, including high-value and high-time-sensitiveness, high-value and low-time-sensitiveness, low-value and high-time-sensitiveness, and low-value and low-time-sensitiveness goods. In general, the development time of CR Express is relatively short, and the research on CR Express focuses on the problems existing in its own development and the future development planning.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Zhang proposed a product development strategy based on a railway dynamic logistics alliance

At present, most of the goods between China and Europe are transported by sea. In the future, CR Express still has great development potential, and maritime shipping will be the main competitor of CR Express. However, there is little research on the market segmentation and competition between CR Express and sea transportation, and there is also a lack of dynamic competitive strategy analysis between them. Game theory has been widely used in the field of transportation, but there have been few studies on the application of evolutionary games to the marketing of railway goods.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Shuai et al

Based on these analyses, this paper applies evolutionary game theory model to the study of the competition between CR Express and maritime market, and analyzes the competition strategies of the two in different market environments. As a traditional transportation mode, maritime transportation maintains its prime market position due to its low freight rate and comparatively stable service level. To earn market share and achieve coordinated development among China and other related countries, the government provides subsidies to CR Express to face market competition and achieve sustainable development. For long-distance transportation from China to Europe, CR Express and maritime transportation are the main competitors in the transportation market.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - When the subsidy is removed

However, the increase based on the lower price of CR Express was not sustainable. Once the subsidies gradually decreased, the freight of CR Express would return to a stable price based on market adjustment. This means that the advantages of CR Express that were based on low freight would not exist anymore, and the market competition between both sides would be more intense. Therefore, the strategy of low freight for CR Express to compete with maritime transportation was not sustainable and the transportation demands could not be maintained. In the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, CR Express has attracted funds and transportation demands by providing a new transportation mode from China to Europe.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - In the competition between CR Express and maritime transport for highly time-sensitive cargo transportation

The rapid growth of CR Express over the past decade is largely due to the subsidies from the Chinese government. In the future, with the gradual reduction of subsidies for CR Express, the competition between CR Express and maritime transportation will be more intense. This article established a competitive game model to determine the competitive strategies of CR Express.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - At the same time

Game participants in this game consisted of CR Express operators, the government, other transportation modes, and consignors. In terms of the competitive strategies, the main types were price strategy, cost strategy, and differentiation strategy. For transportation, the adopted strategies were a price strategy and a differentiation strategy. This research emphasized the differentiation strategy, which was to improve service quality and optimize service. Based on different types of goods, different simulations revealed competitive strategies for both CR Express and maritime transportation.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Therefore

As shown in Fig 3, as the evolutionary stable strategy combinations indicated, the service optimization strategy was the optimal strategy for CR Express. Additionally for maritime transportation, the profits for the situation of not using service level improvement were greater than those for improving the service level were. Therefore, even if the probability of selecting the service optimization strategy was high in the initial stage, the probability would keep decreasing with time and finally stabilize at zero. Therefore, for the long-term version, CR Express needed to improve service level, while maritime transportation would not improve service positively, and it would face the competition negatively. The market share and profit of CR Express and shipping in different situations is shown in Table 6.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Since the provided government subsidies gave CR Express a way to decrease its cost

Since the first CR Express traveled from Chongqing to Duisburg in 2011, CR Express has fascinated many domestic researchers in China. In terms of development countermeasures, the researchers mainly put forward the problems existing in the operation of the CR Express by studying the development status of its operations. Zhao and Guo studied the influence of CR Express on international trade by building a gravity model , and they proposed the development plan of CR Express in terms of national cooperation, the logistics level, and competitiveness.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - In the context of the Belt and Road Initiative

By analyzing the problems existing in the operation of CR Express, Wang et al. put forward relevant suggestions based on the aspects of the logistics network, source organization, and subsidy exit mechanism. After studying the waybill and related procedures of CR Express, Dai believed that the waybill of CR Express had some problems, such as difficulty in filling in, difficulty in claiming compensation, and difficulty in settlement. By studying the current situation of the waybill of CR Express, Sun put forward the method of using the multimodal transport bill of lading in the operation of CR Express. Li analyzed the current situation and existing problems of China-Europe express trains and proposed optimization countermeasures for China-Europe trains under the "One Belt One Road" strategy . Then they put forward specific countermeasures for these problems.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Determining how to achieve effective marking and determining how to adopt the optimal competitive strategy are the main challenges for CR Express operators

Fig 7 shows that as the price of CR Express increased and the difference of the market share between CR Express and shipping decreased, the carriers of shipping trended towards applying a more positive competition strategy. Therefore, the probability of choosing service optimization increased and finally became stable for the service optimization strategy. The probability rise of shipping was slower than that of CR Express. After the withdrawal of the subsidy, the market competitive advantages of CR Express decreased further, and the market competition between both sides was more intense. For the transport of high-value and time-sensitive goods such as laptops, CR Express had a larger competitive advantage in the market based on its shorter transportation time. With a high service level, CR Express attracted more freight demands.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - By choosing long-distance transportation as the research object

For high-value and low-time-sensitive goods like auto parts, based on the lower prices, maritime transportation maintained its traditional advantage. For this situation, CR Express had to improve its service to enhance competitiveness to gain a larger market share. Fig 7 evolution trend of laptop transportation competition game presents the evolutionary trend of laptop transportation competition without subsidies. In contrast to the evolutionary trend with subsidies shown in Fig 3, for different initial selection probabilities, the evolutionary stable strategy set was , which could be presented as .

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - First

How To Compute Area Of A Circle In Matlab Fig 6 above presents the evolution trend of the industrial parts transportation. With different initial selection probabilities, the evolutionary stability strategy combination of CR Express and maritime transportation was which could be referred to as . Thank you for your last reply and I am ask one other question concerning the matlab code to solve advection diffusion equation using finite element method, please would you have to help on it. Next we can calculate the difference between the Finite Element approximation and the known solution to the poisson equation on the region bounded by the unit circle.

How To Compute Area Of A Circle In Matlab

Fig 9 shows the evolutionary trend of the fruit transportation competition game for the non-subsidies situation. Unlike the evolution trend with the subsidy, the evolutionary stability strategy combination was , which was presented as . Fig 8 presents the non-subsidy situation and the evolution trend of the auto parts transportation competition game, which was similar to the evolution trend of the subsidized trend shown in Fig 4.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - For maritime transportation

The evolutionary stability strategy combination was , which could be shown as . Fig 4 shows the evolutionary trend of the competition game of auto parts transportation. For different initial selection probabilities, the evolutionary stability strategy was , which could be presented as . There are several well-known formulas for the areas of simple shapes such as triangles, rectangles, and circles.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - As shown in Fig 5

Using these formulas, the area of any polygon can be found by dividing the polygon into triangles. For shapes with curved boundary, calculus is usually required to compute the area. Indeed, the problem of determining the area of plane figures was a major motivation for the historical development of calculus. As i determined you sent atefe 2-d wave equation codes,would you please send me too and if you have send me matlab codes for finite element solution of i-d wave equations. It represents diameters of trees, bushes and some other noise. I would like to use this code for detecting diameter of trees as circles.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Since both fruits and laptops were high-time-sensitiveness goods

It is running with your sample images but, for my images it run well and created false circles first. Sorry for multiple questions, do you have any tutorial for object detection in Lidar point cloud? MATLAB can be used to perform operations involving geometric figures like circles, rectangles, squares etc. We will learn how to create various types of circles in MATLAB. We can create solid or plane circles in MATLAB, which we will learn as we go ahead in the article.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - The difference was that in the early stage of evolution

We will also learn how to create a circle using the rectangle function. Fig 10 presents the evolution trend of the competition game for industrial parts transportation without subsidies. The trend was roughly the same as the trend with subsidies shown in Fig 6, and the evolutionary stability strategy was , which was .

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - In addition

Fig 3 presents the evolutionary game trend of competition of laptop transportation. For different initial probabilities, the evolutionary stable strategy combinations were shown as . As Table 6 indicates, for auto parts, after improving the service level, the market share of CR Express increased from 39.01% to 49.00%. For fruits, when CR Express did not use the service optimizing strategy, even maritime operators applied the service optimizing strategy, and the market share of the maritime share increased from 17.70% to 18.76%.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - This was because maritime transportation could satisfy the transportation demands with lower prices

For industrial accessories, after improving the service level, the market share of CR Express increased from 37.29% to 46.87%. When both modes were in the same high service level, the difference of the market share was higher than the difference of the low service level. This indicated that improving service was helpful to expanding the competitive advantage. For a transportation service, it was more difficult to change the transportation costs in a short period of time. In addition, the differentiation strategies such as optimizing the service quality and providing logistics services could improve the convenience and flexibility for the consignors and increase market share. Therefore, for operators, the applicable strategies were price strategies and product differentiation strategies.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - Additionally

An evolutionary game is the application of biological evolutionary thought in economics. An evolutionary game is established under the bounded rationality of participants. Each participant is affected by the decisions of other participants, and each participant finally reaches a stable equilibrium state through a dynamic selection mechanism . Wu et al. used an evolutionary game to analyze the evolutionary equilibrium and stability of a horizontally differentiated product and studied the complexity of its evolution. Duan studied the stable strategy of the internal competition of port groups by using the port competing model for single population evolution based on the Bertrand model.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - That was the reason why the market share difference between CR Express and maritime transportation for the fruits transportation market was lower than that of the laptops transportation market share

From this plot, we can see that the system is stable for some values of since there are portions of the root locus where both branches are located inside the unit circle. Also, we can observe two dotted lines representing the constant damping ratio and natural frequency. The natural frequency is greater than 0.3 outside the constant-Wn line, and the damping ratio is greater than 0.4 inside the constant-zeta line. In this example, portions of the generated root-locus are within in the desired region. Therefore, a gain () chosen to place the two closed-loop poles on the loci within the desired region should provide us a response that satisfies the given design requirements.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - In the long term

In this blog post I showed you how to use the cv2.HoughCircles function in OpenCV to detect circles in images. Detecting the circles is handled by the cv2.HoughCircles function on Line 17. In this blog post I'll show you how to utilize the cv2.HoughCircles function to detect circles in images using OpenCV. The aim is to plot a circle using center point and radius in MATLAB without using inbuilt functions for plotting.

how to calculate area of a circle in matlab - In this study

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Urdu Language Spoken In Pakistan

Hindi and Urdu are generally considered to be one spoken language with two different literary traditions. That means that Hindi and Urdu speakers who shop in the same markets have no problems understanding each other -- they'd both say yeh kitne kaa hay for 'How much is it? And the Urdu one will be یہ کتنے کا ہے؟ Hindi is written from left to right in the Devanagari script, and is the official language of India, along with English. Urdu, on the other hand, is written from right to left in the Nastaliq script and is the national language of Pakistan. It's also one of the official languages of the Indian states of Bihar and Jammu & Kashmir.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - Hindi and Urdu are generally considered to be one spoken language with two different literary traditions

Considered as one, these tongues constitute the second most spoken language in the world, sometimes called Hindustani. In their daily lives, Hindi and Urdu speakers communicate in their 'different' languages without major problems. Both Hindi and Urdu developed from Classical Sanskrit, which appeared in the Indus Valley at about the start of the Common Era.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - That means that Hindi and Urdu speakers who shop in the same markets have no problems understanding each other -- they

The first old Hindi poetry was written in the year 769 AD, and by the European Middle Ages it became known as 'Hindvi'. Muslim Turks invaded the Punjab in 1027 and took control of Delhi in 1193. They paved the way for the Islamic Mughal Empire, which ruled northern India from the 16th century until it was defeated by the British Raj in the mid-19th century. It was at this time that the language of this book began to take form, a mixture of Hindvi grammar with Arabic, Persian and Turkish vocabulary. The Muslim speakers of Hindvi began to write in the Arabic script, creating Urdu, while the Hindu population incorporated the new words but continued to write in Devanagari script.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - And the Urdu one will be     Hindi is written from left to right in the Devanagari script

Hindi is the official language of the Republic of India (projected to overtake China as the world's most populous nation by 2030) and the most widely spoken language in South Asia. It is also the language of a long literary tradition, both in modern prose and poetry, as well as pre-modern secular and devotional poetry. It is also a tremendously important language strategically in South Asia.In their basic form Hindi and Urdu are generally considered to be the same language written in two different scripts. After one year of instruction, you could go to India or Pakistan and talk about yourself, where you were born, where you grew up, what you do, your interests and your attraction to South Asia and South Asian languages.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - Urdu

Each lesson builds on previous lessons in a systematic way to allow the absorption of vocabulary words in an organic manner, while reinforcing grammatical structures. The text is accompanied by a CD as well, and a supplementary text introduces Urdu script quickly and painlessly. Films are also shown occasionally in class to reinforce the structures and idiomatic expressions that are being taught. It is also very closely related to the scripts employed to write Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, and Oriya among others. According to an estimate by the Ethnologue there are 73 languages spoken in Pakistan as mother tongues.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - It

The number of speakers of these languages varies from a few hundred to multi million. If we club the too varied dialects of Pashto, Punjabi, Balochi and Hindko together we get 67 languages spoken in Pakistan. Out of these, more than 25 languages are spoken in northern Pakistan. This article regards the upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the region of Gilgit Baltistan as 'northern Pakistan' and provides a brief introduction of the languages spoken in this region. This article focuses on the least known languages and excludes Hindko and Pashto as they, the author thinks, are well known to many Pakistanis. Additionally, almost all of these languages are in the various phases of endangerment – from 'moribund' to 'endangered'.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - Considered as one

The exact number of speakers of any of these languages is unknown as none of them have ever been included in any national census in Pakistan. In India, although Urdu is not and never was used exclusively by Muslims , the ongoing Hindi–Urdu controversy and modern cultural association of each language with the two religions has led to fewer Hindus using Urdu. In part because the Pakistani government proclaimed Urdu the national language at Partition, the Indian state and some religious nationalists began to regard Urdu as a 'foreign' language, to be viewed with suspicion. Urdu, which was often referred to by the British administrators in India as the Hindustani language, was promoted in colonial India by British policies to counter the previous emphasis on Persian. Urdu replaced Persian as the official language of India in 1837 and was made co-official, along with English.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - In their daily lives

The first language of around 70 million people and spoken as a second language by over 100 million people, mostly in Pakistan and India, in the world, Urdu is one of the oldest and most popular members of the Indo-European family of languages. The history of the Urdu language dates back to as early as the 12th century AD. Widely spoken and understood across the globe, it is the national language of Pakistan whereas English remains the official language of the state. By the 19th century, poetry written in Urdu was stimulated by socialist nationalist, pan-Islamic feeling, and writers and poets from the Punjab as well as the areas of Delhi and Lucknow began to contribute. In the Delhi region of India the native language was Khariboli, whose earliest form is known as Old Hindi . It belongs to the Western Hindi group of the Central Indo-Aryan languages.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - Both Hindi and Urdu developed from Classical Sanskrit

The contact of the Hindu and Muslim cultures during the period of Islamic conquests and in the Indian subcontinent led to the development of Hindustani as a product of a composite Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb. In cities such as Delhi, the Indian language Old Hindi began to acquire many Persian loanwords and continued to be called "Hindi" and later, also "Hindustani". In southern India , a form of the language flourished in medieval India and is known as Dakhini, which contains loanwords from Telugu and Marathi.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - The first old Hindi poetry was written in the year 769 AD

An early literary tradition of Hindavi was founded by Amir Khusrau in the late 13th century. From the 13th century until the end of the 18th century the language now known as Urdu was called Hindi, Hindavi, Hindustani, Dehlavi, Lahori, and Lashkari. The name Urdu was first introduced by the poet Ghulam Hamadani Mushafi around 1780. As a literary language, Urdu took shape in courtly, elite settings. While Urdu retained the grammar and core Indo-Aryan vocabulary of the local Indian dialect Khariboli, it adopted the Nastaleeq writing system – which was developed as a style of Persian calligraphy.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - Muslim Turks invaded the Punjab in 1027 and took control of Delhi in 1193

Pakistan is a multilingual country, and national language of Pakistan is Urdu. Surprisingly Urdu is the mother tongue of only 7.57 per cent of the population of country. Pakistan is home to many dozens of languages spoken as first languages. English is official language of Pakistan while Urdu is the National language of Pakistan.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - They paved the way for the Islamic Mughal Empire

Punjabi , Pashto , Sindhi , Saraiki , Hindko and Balochi are major regional languages. Kashmiri , Pothohari, Brahui, Shina, Khowar, Kalash, Memoni and Balti are important local languages of different areas if country. 15 million people in Pakistan (8% of the population) speak Urdu as their first language, and over 90% rely on it to communicate.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - It was at this time that the language of this book began to take form

But the education system teaches its students the country's national language as if it were a foreign one, and completely forgets the regional languages spoken in various parts of Pakistan. Around one-third of Pakistani students attend private schools, where English is the first language. Although Urdu is one of the two official languages of Pakistan and the national language, it is mostly learned as a second or third language, as around 93% of the population speaks a native language other than Urdu, such as Punjabi, Pashto, and Sindhi. There are several dialects of Urdu, with the standard version being based on the Khariboli dialect in Delhi, India.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - The Muslim speakers of Hindvi began to write in the Arabic script

Punjabi, Saraiki and Pashto are languages spoken in Punjab and Khyber PakhtunkhwaPunjabi, which often spelled as Panjabi, is counted among the most common Indo-Aryan languages in today's world. In Pakistan, Punjabi language is spoken by around 70 million souls, mostly in Punjab province. However, the status of the official language of Punjab is reserved for Urdu. As spoken in both India and Pakistan, Punjabi is a language of many dialects. Written in Gurmukhi and Shahmukhi scripts, the dialects of the language doesn't have much difference between them and sound quite similar. Dialects of Punjabi spoken in India are Majhi, Doabi, Pwadhi and Malwi.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - Hindi is the official language of the Republic of India projected to overtake China as the worlds most populous nation by 2030 and the most widely spoken language in South Asia

However, in Pakistan, the chief dialects are Pothohari, Hindko, Majhi and Multani. Since Majhi is used to form the standard for writing in Punjabi, it is considered the most important dialect of Punjabi in the country. Fresh data from the 2011 census says that Urdu is the seventh most spoken language in India. It is one of the 22 official languages recognised in the Constitution of India, having official status in Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Bengal and Delhi, while it has the status of official language of Jammu and Kashmir. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan and is a registered regional language of Nepal.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - It is also the language of a long literary tradition

Hindi is the official language of the Republic of India and the most widely spoken language in South Asia. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan, one of the official languages of India, and a tremendously important strategic language in South Asia. With a common vocabulary and grammar, in their basic form, Hindi and Urdu are generally considered to be the same language written in two different scripts.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - It is also a tremendously important language strategically in South Asia

In Pakistan, Pashto, the official language of neighboring Afghanistan, Pakistanis speaking Pashto who lives in Quetta and Peshawar. This Pakistani language is spoken by more than 15.42 percent of the country's population. Pashto speakers are primarily found in Pakistan's northern Balochistan, Federally Administered Tribal Areas, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces. This language is also used amongst Pashtun groups in the country's cities. Khushal Khan Khattak, Rahman Baba, Khatir Afridi, and Ghani Khan are just a few famous poets written in Pashto.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - After one year of instruction

Urdu is the national language of Pakistan and one of the official languages of India. It is one of the most widely-spoken languages of South Asia, and has acquired a wider distribution in other parts of the world, notably the UK, where it is regarded as their major cultural language by most Muslims from Pakistan and northern India. Hindko is another ancient language spoken in Pakistan that belongs to the group of Indo-Aryan languages. The speakers of Hinko are Hindkowan people, mostly living in the northern areas of Pakistan.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - Each lesson builds on previous lessons in a systematic way to allow the absorption of vocabulary words in an organic manner

According to linguistic experts, the name of the language is actually a merger of two words where "Hind" means Sindh and "ko" means language. As per the historical records, when the invaders came from Afghanistan to this area, they gave this name to the local language, which was being spoken from Peshawar to UP at that time. There has been a debate about Hindko as some people consider it as a dialect of Sindhi while others call it one of the lesser known dialects of Punjabi language. Pashto, the official language of neighboring Afghanistan, also has a significant number of speakers in Pakistan. This language of Pakistan is spoken by over 15.42% of the entire population of the country. The Pashto speakers are concentrated in northern Balochistan, Federally Administered Tribal Areas, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa regions of Pakistan.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - The text is accompanied by a CD as well

Pashtun communities in the cities of the country also speak this language. Pashto has a rich literary tradition, and some famous poets who used the Pashto language in their literary work are Khushal Khan Khattak, Rahman Baba, Khatir Afridi, and Ghani Khan. Urdu is not only the official language of Pakistan but also the national language of the country. However, only about 8% of Pakistanis speak Urdu as their first language.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - Films are also shown occasionally in class to reinforce the structures and idiomatic expressions that are being taught

However, a vast section of the population speaks it as their second language. The origin of Urdu goes back several centuries, and according to some historians, Urdu has evolved from an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the area around Delhi which absorbed words from Arabic, Persian, and Chagatai. The Government of Pakistan has strived to promote the national language of Pakistan to encourage national solidarity.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - It is also very closely related to the scripts employed to write Punjabi

Some who are from a non-Urdu background now can read and write only Urdu. With such a large number of people speaking Urdu, the language has acquired a peculiar Pakistani flavour further distinguishing it from the Urdu spoken by native speakers, resulting in more diversity within the language. In 1973, Urdu was recognised as the sole national language of Pakistan – although English and regional languages were also granted official recognition. A brief note about each language will be of help for those who are interested in the linguistic diversity of the spectacular northern parts of Pakistan.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - According to an estimate by the Ethnologue there are 73 languages spoken in Pakistan as mother tongues

I will, however, abstain from giving the number of speakers of each language because none of these languages have ever been given space in the six national censuses so far conducted in Pakistan. The number of speakers of these languages vary from 500 to one million. Counting the correct number of speakers of each language becomes a difficult task.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - The number of speakers of these languages varies from a few hundred to multi million

The numbers of speakers of each languagegiven in the surveys done so far are mostly based on interviews and observations; and they are just estimates. Many of these languages are also spoken in Pakistan's neighbouring countries such as Afghanistan, India and China. This article only presents a very brief account of each language spoken inside the territory of Pakistan. All of these languages are categorized as 'endangered' in the Routledge's Encyclopedia of World's Endangered Languages edited by Christopher Moseley. Many of them are 'severely endangered' whereas a few are 'moribund' or already 'extinct'. In Pakistan, Urdu is mostly learned as a second or a third language as nearly 93% of Pakistan's population has a native language other than Urdu.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - If we club the too varied dialects of Pashto

Despite this, Urdu was chosen as a token of unity and as a lingua franca so as not to give any native Pakistani language preference over the other. Urdu is therefore spoken and understood by the vast majority in some form or another. However, the people from differing provinces may have different indigenous languages, as from the fact that it is the "base language" of the country. The name Urdu was first used by the poet Ghulam Hamadani Mushafi around 1780.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - Out of these

From the 13th century until the end of the 18th century Urdu was commonly known as Hindi. The language was also known by various names such as Hindavi or Dehlavi. Hindustani in Persian script was used by Muslims and Hindus but was current chiefly in Muslim-influenced society. Hindustani was promoted in British India by British policies to counter the previous emphasis on Persian.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - This article regards the upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the region of Gilgit Baltistan as northern Pakistan and provides a brief introduction of the languages spoken in this region

This triggered a Hindu backlash in northwestern India, which argued that the language should be written in the native Devanagari script. Details about the status, number of native speakers and areas of these languages are available on Ethnologue's two websites mentioned above. The western scholars, especially German and Norwegian scholars, have carried out tremendous research on the language spoken in Pakistan's northern areas and have written books, articles and dissertations on them. The Urdu language is one of two standardized registers of the Hindustani language, the other being Hindi. Urdu is a member of the Indo-Aryan language group and is one of the 22 official languages of India. If counted separately, there are approximately 67 million native speakers of Urdu, with 51 million speakers in India and 16 million speakers in Pakistan.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - This article focuses on the least known languages and excludes Hindko and Pashto as they

Urdu is also one of the most widely spoken languages in the United Kingdom, with approximately 400,000 speakers of the language. Urdu and English are official languages of Pakistan, however, Supreme Court of Pakistan has ordered the government to make Urdu as the sole official language and eliminate English. Majority of the Pakistani Muslims can also read Arabic, as Muslims recite the Holy Quran which is in the Arabic language.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - Additionally

Some students also study Arabic in Schools, Colleges and University level. Although Urdu is the official national language, it is spoken as a native tongue by only 8 percent of the population. People who speak Urdu as their native language generally identify themselves as muhajirs. A large number of people from educated backgrounds speak Urdu, as opposed to their natal languages, in their homes, usually to help their children master it. Based on Arabic script and Devanagari script, Sindhi is one of the most popular languages of Pakistan. It has been formed as a result of amalgamation of different regional languages spoken in different regions of South Asia.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - The exact number of speakers of any of these languages is unknown as none of them have ever been included in any national census in Pakistan

It is also an ancient Indo-Aryan language that is now spoken by millions of people in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and India. Some of the major dialects of the language are Vicholi, Lasi, Siroli Lari, Thari or Thareli, Kathiawari Kachhi, Macharia, Dukslinu and Muslim Sindhi. Hailed as the top tourist destination in the world for 2020, Pakistan is home to wondrous tourist gems, most of which haven't been explored yet. Some of the world's most famous travellers visited Pakistan recently and praised its incredible natural beauty as well as the hospitality of its people.

urdu language spoken in pakistan - In India

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